

Computers Weren't Made for Storing Pokémon

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On to the Next Adventure

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Togekiss Gives No Pokéballs

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Created by Braedo123 ( Via frompallettown )

The Exciting Life of Dawn and Lucas

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Via konichiwapikachu

When You See It: Pika Pika

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If Only He Could Say More Than Pikachu

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Created by Unknown

I Must Not Fap

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Via puraspokeweas

Dat Lass

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Via TheSlowpokeHell

Dawn Used Beretta!

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Created by Chobit-389

The Story of Pokémon

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Diglett Wednesday: Sitting on a Chair?

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Dawn Used Helping Hand

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Created by Guilherme.didi


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Reverse Friendzoning

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Dawn Was His Favorite

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Via pokeswaps
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