

Hypno is Freaking Creepy

Text - Sleeper 097 Hypno song Come little children, come with me Safe and happy, you will be Away from you're homes, now let us run With Hypno, you'll have so much fun Oh, little children, please don't cry Hypno wouldn't hurt a fly Be free, be free, be free, to play Come down in my cave with me to stay Oh little children, please don't squirm Those ropes, I know, will hold you firm Hypno tells you this is true But sadly, Hypno lied to you Oh little children, you musn't leave Your families for you
Via TrainerDerek

Is This the First Pokémon X & Y Creepypasta?

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Never Picked Up My Game Again

Text - ECOMRCR Exploring Ruins of Alph, whe.. oooo NMOND PI !M aPpeared Then another... and another... NMONN PIIM NMONN PI!M appeared aPpeare

Gardevoir is Tired of the Rule 34

scary Pokémon creepypasta gardevoir - 7620531968
Created by Bubbleninjask ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )

Full Heal

Pokémon creepypasta - 7831702528
Created by Sosuke