

Giovanni Should Put Her in Charge of Recruiting

Pokémon Team Rocket cosplay giovanni - 8400480256
Created by tamaleknight

The Legendary Birds

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Via pokecosplays.tumblr.com

Look at This Guy's Awesome Charizard Halloween Costume

pokemon memes charizard halloween costume
Via Sanchmo

Gyarados is Eating That Cat!

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Via Freyu

Choose Your Pok-OUCH!!

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Created by Luchabro
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How to Make a Hardcore Pikachu Mask

View Video

Battle Subway Cosplay

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Created by BestPokememes

Living the Dream

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Via a11i.tumblr.com

Cosplaying Pokémon Are So Cute!

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Created by datcress

Surrender Now Or Prepare To Fight!

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Created by YakuzaDuragon

Y so sad, Onix?

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Created by tamaleknight ( Via sassmiracosplay )

Jessica Nigri as Umbreon at Blizzcon

Photo of Jessica Nigri dressed as Umbreon by the indoor plants at Blizzcon.
Via Jessica Nigri

Do the Shuffle With Me!!!

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Created by Luchabro

Digifriday: Digimon Tags

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Via midnightcosplay

This Pikachu is Exactly to Scale

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Via yoshistunts

A Wild Nidoking Has Appeared!

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Created by mfrancis19
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