

wtf Pokeballs videos - 48997121

How Poké Balls Actually Work

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Pokéballs and Teleportation Machines

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Created by WWWIII

The Real Reason Trainers Find Pokéballs With Items in Them

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Created by Sosuke

How to Be Sweet and Geeky When Doing Something Special for Your Significant Other

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Created by Unknown

So It is True!

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Charmander Doesn't Want to Be Domesticated

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Via byronb

All the Awesome Pokéballs You Can Handle

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Created by Luke

The Latest Pokémon Anime Episode Sort-of-ish Reveals the Depressing Truth...?

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Created by Redasho ( Via Cheezburger iOS Builder )


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Via deadmutation

Catching Pokémon Seems Really Hard

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Via killerapt

Liberal Pokémon Trainer

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Via D_b0

Ready Your Pokéballs

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Created by Luchabro

Follow Your Dreams

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If Fairies Are Powerless Against Nets

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Created by pball0010

Togekiss Gives No Pokéballs

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Created by Braedo123 ( Via frompallettown )

Makes It So Easy to Remember Which Pokémon Is Inside

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Via thenervousdanceanthem.tumblr.com
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