Geek Universe

So Metal

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Created by tamaleknight

When Batmobiles Attack

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Created by Mummra1983
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There's Something Strange in This Neigbhorhood, and It's This Epic 'Ghostbusters' Light Show

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We Can All Go Home; These Kids Are Killing It in Their Mad Max Halloween Costume

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Via Rotten Kitten

Sir, That is Not Yours

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Via arkeis

Social Tips

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Created by maorows

Everyone Has Something They Do Really Well

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Via lunarbaboon

Aw Yeah Girl, Do It Again

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Via Google

Starting Vigilante Justice Kind of Early Don't You Think?

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Via tinkling-way

South Park Wants Your Yaoi

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Via South Park
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This Disney Medley Played on Bottles is Absolutely Delightful

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Apple Pie Perfect Synchronization!

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Created by CBV_Reborn

Beyonce Looks Amazing Dressed as Storm But Some People Weren't So Pleased

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Via kellyrowland

Put That Down, Norman

Put That Down, Norman
Via leonsringtrick

Overcome Your Fears

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Via rockpapercynic

Ara Ara...

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Created by maorows ( Via Denamic )