Reasons LOST Was the Best and worst Science Fiction Show | thumbnail includes a pictures of all the characters of LOST

5 Reasons LOST Was the Best Science Fiction Show Ever! (And 5 Reasons Why It Was the Worst)

20 memes about physics | thumbnail includes two pictures of physics memes

Quantum Quirks: 20 Hilarious Physics Memes for the Science-Minded

listing the 10 most iconic spaceships in pop culture | thumbnail includes two pictures including serenity and the tardis

Blast Off: Ranking the Top 10 Most Iconic Sci-Fi Spaceships

Size Comparison of the Most Iconic monsters | thumbnail includes a picture of several giant monsters

Mega Monster Mashup: Size Comparison of the Most Iconic TV and Movie Creatures

a list of 10 Must-Visit Locations from Iconic Geeky Films | thumbnail includes two pictures including the Hobbiton Movie Set in New Zealand and Petra in Jordan

A Cinematic Adventure: 10 Must-Visit Locations from Iconic Geeky Films

20 memes about lord of the rings | thumbnail includes two pictures of lord of the rings memes

Fellowship of the Memes: 20 Memes From Middle-Earth to Watch While You Eat Your Second Breakfast

A video showing ChatGPT coding an entire game | thumbnail includes two pictures including youtuber candlesan and the game flappy bird

Game Over for Coders? This Guy Let ChatGPT Code “Flappy Bird” for Him

8 epic fights between characters from different fandoms | thumbnail includes four pictures including the flash, Aang, Yoda and Captain America

Fantasy Fight Club: 8 Epic Character Battles We Wish Could Happen in Geek Culture

a video about 10 changes to star wars that were justified | thumbnail includes two pictures of the emperor before and after the changes

It Wasn’t All Bad: 10 Star Wars Changes George Lucas Got Right

unravelling the mystery of the Lo-Fi girl disappearance | thumbnail includes two pictures including lo fi girl vanishing and a mysterious blue room

The Lo-fi Girl Vanishes: Delving into the Enigmatic Disappearance of YouTube's Most Iconic Study Companion

25 star wars memes | thumbnail includes two star wars memes

Galactic Giggles: 25 Star Wars Memes That Will Force a Laugh Out of You

A video breaking down 71 easter eggs from the new "The marvels" trailer | thumbnail includes a picture of Monica Rambo and kang

Hidden Treasures: 71 Easter Eggs and References Unveiled in "The Marvels" Trailer

20 memes about gaming | thumbnail includes two pictures of gaming memes

20 Gaming Memes to Keep Your Meme-ventory Full

an article about the harry potter reboot coming to HBO | thumbnail includes a picture of harry potter and Lord Voldemort facing off

The Harry Potter Reboot: A Wingardium Leviosa Lift-off or a Muggle's Misstep?

10 Unfilmable Books That Became great movies | thumbnail includes three pictures including the book cover and the poster for "fellowship of the ring" and a picture of peter jackson working on the film

Defying the Odds: 10 Unfilmable Books That Became Cinematic Triumphs

24 relatable memes about being introverted | thumbnail includes two memes about introverts

The Art of Solitude: 24 Relatable Introvert Memes That Speak to Your Reclusive Soul