Geek Life

Play Me a Tune

cosplay Hatsune Miku vocaloid - 5586843648
Via lanmeimeia

May the Force Be With Shoes

shoes star wars Fan Art DIY - 7097253888
Created by mitnev ( Via mitnev )

More Than Meets The Eye

transformers cosplay - 8261272064
Via DarkestH0ur17 on Twitter
cosplay DIY - 72766721

How to Make Your Own Ant-Man Suit

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cosplay conventions - 7679518208
cosplay awesome groot - 63995649

Epic Groot Cosplay is Epic

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Do You Think They Deliver on Sundays?

scifi T.Shirt for sale Firefly - 7907224064
Via TeeFury

Sure, You Can Punish Me

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Via LJinto

Joker Digs Comic Stores

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Created by HarleySolo
cosplay convention music video - 59537409

London Super Comic Con

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The Hound Got His Chickens

cosplay Game of Thrones - 8345513472
Via thewalkingdestiny

Teenage Mutant Ninja Koopas

fan art cartoon t-shirt design super mario stealing one of the teenage mutant ninja turtles and being chased by the others
Via wakho at Woot Shirt

Origin of Classic Games We All Love

tabletop games board games - 8380379136
Via Kickstarter
baking the simpsons - 62079489

A Donut For Homer

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I'm Sure She Moves Quite Appropriately

cosplay legend of zelda link video games - 5869580032

Nessie's Been Spotted In Your Kitchen

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Via Animi Causa