Geek Life

Burke Says These Totally Aren’t Alien Facehugger Eggs

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Created by HerHeroicalScandals ( Via kitchenoverlord )

Now You Can Be That Creepy Person With a Dude's Face In Your Ears!

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Via EnrahsTower

Epic Engagement Announcement Is Epic

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Created by Unknown
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If Girls Were Geek Guys

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A Keychain For Your BFF

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Via PeachyApricot on Etsy

DCU Batgirl

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Created by Asciicodeplus ( Via )

Mushroom Kingdom going to WAR!

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Created by silentjay12345 ( Via Coran Stone )

Avengers Shawarmassemble

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Created by ilneige
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Cosplay of Comikaze 2012

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If You Ever Need To Assemble a Cabinet

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Via Korkinator1088

Zombies, Hogwarts, and the Pumpkin King have never looked so good.

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Created by OnceUponaTee ( Via Once Upon a Tee )

Awesome Domino Cosplay!!!

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Via hazel.dayze

The Groot Deku Tree

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Via Obvian on RpitApparel

Stun It With Arrows!

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Via alethearg

Your Life Isn't Complete Without Your Own Little Claptrap

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Via Think Geek

Sylveon cosplays are getting good

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