Geek Life


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Created by .Kenji ( Via sarmai )

Incredible Dalek Cosplay!

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Created by Kittysaysrawr19

Your Favorite Astromech Buddy, Now a Bag!

Via Laughing Squid

Cubone Gets a Great Cosplay

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Via ScatterDOTFashion
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Get in touch with your nerdy side.

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Hey, How'd You Get Out of Middle Earth?

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Via pixielated71

Oh, Look at the Shiny Shoes!

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Via Etsy

Even Dogs Can Cosplay

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Via cosplaysleepeatplay

Why Are You Running Away?

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Via Shineforyou
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Zelda Pixel Beer Coasters

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Make Any Party Prehistoric

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Via Three Little Monkey Studios

Calvin and D'awwbes

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Via Reddit

Don't Go In That Cave!

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Via beeshojo

Daaaaaaaad, Can I Pleaaaaaaase?

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Via Toys R Us

This Is Not Wonderland at All

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Via LennethXVII
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Cosplay and Body Image

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