Doctor Who

star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

Pick Your Poison

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Song Shot First

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Via windykid

'Tis the Season to be Nerdy

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Via Alicia-mb
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Even if the Sky is Falling Down

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I Hope Star Wars: Episode VII Looks a Little Like This

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Via re-dee-mer
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R2-Dalek2 & Cyber-3PO

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Created by Sup123

If I Were the Doctor, the Star Wars Universe Would Be My First Stop

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Via Geeks of Doom

must have been copyrighted

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Created by trolbasaure

Jedi Who?

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Created by aneautor ( Via Ace-Ahio Gordon Grant Wagstaff )

You Wanna Know How I Got This Mask?

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Via Zerobriant

Please Explain to George That This is a Fixed Point

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Whisk Yourself Away Into the Disneyverse!

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Via Amy Mebberson

Says You

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" Who Walks into A Bar"

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Created by dimitrirw ( Via Etsy )

The Master Strikes Back

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Created by Unknown
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