Doctor Who

rose tyler

Could Rose Tyler be Worse Than Bella Swan?

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Meryl Streep's Secret Confession

Via doctorandroseinatardis

100%, Would Watch

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Via David Tennant Tumblr

Let's Never Grow Up

rose tyler 9th doctor - 8377705984
Via the-foster-childofsilence

Not the Slightest Bit

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Via mimi-na

Oh Sure, Bring Him on Upstairs to My Room

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Created by crazedkat3

Right in the Feels

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Created by silentmelody2010

To Celebrate Eccleston's 9th Anniversary As the Doctor, The BBC Released Three New Images

9th doctor anniversary Captain Jack Harkness rose tyler - 8123228160
Via DoctorWho.TV

Or At Least My Clone

Via dessi1998

What's so Funny?

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The Doctor and Rose Animation Test Is Too Cute

View Video


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And now I run

rose tyler 11th Doctor - 8033072384
Created by Unknown

These Feels Will Break Both Your Hearts

Via Sandoval

I'm Taking My Rose And Going Home!

10th doctor gifs rose tyler - 8328450048
Via the-rings-of-akhaten