Doctor Who

River Song

Some Spoilers are Sexier Than Others

Movie - Don't worry I'm quite the screamer. Shout if you get in trouble. Now, there's a spoiler for you.
Via thedoctorwithtardis
11th Doctor doctor who Video River Song - 54013697

11th Doctors Kissing Adventures

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The Doctor Loves to Boop His Wife

boop 11th Doctor River Song - 8188594176
Via BuzzFeed

Not Just 'the' Doctor

doctor who River Song - 7809890816

Sounds Like Something You'd Say, Doctor

wibbly wobbly timey wimey 11th Doctor River Song - 8385402112
Via donna_cruze

Totally My Best Idea

christmas special 11th Doctor doctor who River Song - 8015585280

Best River Song Line

scifi doctor who River Song - 6908081920
Created by Nobody- ( Via imgur )

That'll be Complicated to Explain to the Kids

11th Doctor doctor who River Song - 7817929984

The Doctor Loves to Boop His Wife

Via BuzzFeed

Always Winds Up Alone

11th Doctor companion River Song - 8124365568
Via tardis-and-impala-to-221b

Marty's Still an Amateur Time Traveller

back to the future time travel River Song - 8422543616
Via The Doctor Who Hub

Was That Supposed to be an Insult?

11th Doctor doctor who River Song - 7635091456

Archeology Professor, Thank You Very Much

doctor who River Song - 7809872896
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