Doctor Who

10th doctor

The Doctor Gets Tired Of Explaining The Same Things Over and Over Again

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Via i-am-the-doctor-alons-y

Professor Whotonium

powerpuff girls tshirts doctor who 10th doctor - 8030033664
Via Nik Holmes

The Language of Love

10th doctor 11th Doctor doctor who french - 8427375872
Via embraceyourgeekness
flappy bird 10th doctor dont-blink - 58934017

The Doctor Has Some Advice For All Of You Still Playing Flappy Bird

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sonic screwdriver 10th doctor doctor who DIY - 74259457

Making Your Own Sonic Screwdriver

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What Did You Say?

10th doctor doctor who Rage Comics - 7895123712
Created by Zecele

Fan Art is Cool

scifi 10th doctor Fan Art 11th Doctor doctor who bbc 9th doctor - 6866657280
Via electrocereal

One of These Things Is Not Like The Other

10th doctor gifs Sherlock - 8143654912
Via childoftimeandwhovians

You Never Said He Was Hot

David Tennant 10th doctor sexy times - 8278735104
Via cookie-of-awesome

Regeneration Has Him Staying Alive

12th Doctor 10th doctor - 8353077248
Via petercapaldinplacesheshouldntbe

This Is Why David Tennant Is The Best

David Tennant 10th doctor - 8067790592
Via davidtennantsideburns

Wait, It Still Can Be

10th doctor doctor who - 7679214080
Created by AndysLife

Rose and The Doctor In a Nutshell

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Via littlewhomouse

My Doctor's TARDIS

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Via Blue Box Tees

We Got a Domestic Over Here

rose tyler 10th doctor oncoming storm - 8433530880
Via gallifreyedits

His Intentions Rarely Deviate

David Tennant 10th doctor - 8055916544
Via ciaraaisling98