Cartoons & Anime

phineas and ferb

Dammit, Carl!

disney cartoons phineas and ferb - 8588790528
Created by tamaleknight

Freudian Excuse

cartoons phineas and ferb - 8560812544
Created by DRCEQ
crossover star wars cartoons phineas and ferb - 69097217

He Certainly Won't be the Lowest of the Darths After This Song

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The Perfect Saber

crossover star wars cartoons star wars vii phineas and ferb - 8392054528
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Why Don't They Just Call Previews What They are: Commercials?

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Maybe Breaking Bad References Aren't for Phineas and Ferb

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Created by Gabo2oo

Do the Squirrel in Your Pants Dance!

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Created by Rachel24601 ( Via rachels-venue )

The Phineas and Ferb Star Wars Crossover Takes Place During Episode 4

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Via Entertainment Weekly

Gravity Ferb

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Via zombuggles

Hey Squidward, is Blender an Instrument?

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Older Girls Just Don't Get Us, Dudes

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Via jayp617

That One's Perfect!

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Via tumboy

Phineas and Jack o Lantern

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