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Brock Baker Is a God Amongst Men When It Comes to Cartoon Impressions

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Patrick's Inner Thoughts Truly Are an Enigma Shrouded in Mystery

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Guy Recreates Rick and Morty in Fallout 4, and We'd Definitely Watch This Series If It Were a Thing

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Some Talented Fans Envision an English Dub for One Punch Man... And It Sounds Pretty Good!

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Saitama Ain't Takin' Any of Your Sh*t

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Watch and Learn How Rick and Morty Made It to the Big Screen

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This Video of Gene From Bob's Burgers Proves Why Gene's the Best Character...

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Kend(Rick) and Morty step things up a level with 'Swimming Pools (Drank)'

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The One Worse Thing Than Getting Owned... Getting Owned by Yamcha

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Watch Disney Characters Sing 'All Star' by Smash Mouth

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Mastermind Creates Spongebob Squarepants v Pulp Fiction Mash-Up, 'SpongePulp FictionPants'

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This Cashier's Scooby and Shaggy Impressions are the Best Ever, Man!

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Learn to Make Avatar's Fire Flakes