Cartoons & Anime
disney scifi star wars cartoons mash up - 74759169

Whatever Happens With Star Wars VII, at Least It Won't be This

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King of the hill mash up - 74756609

Mash Up of the Day: King of the Hill Gets Down with Nicki Minaj's Hey Mama

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anime Video - 74739457

Kizumonogatari Trailer

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When You Have Free Time in the Computer Lab

anime cartoons - 8571602688
Created by Luchabro

Oh Fusion

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Created by Sosuke

You Should Get That Looked At

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Created by Sosuke

"Hi, How are Ya?"

cartoons SpongeBob SquarePants - 8571602176
Created by Luchabro

Who Needs a Mom When You Could Have a Botched Transmutation

anime memes where are the parents
Via holyanimee

The Crack Never Bothered Me Anyway

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Via youkaineko

People Who Hate Kids be Like

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Via sailormoonfavorites
cartoons steven universe Video - 74709249

What If the Homeworld Gems Were the Stars of Steven Universe?

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Yes It Is

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Created by tamaleknight

Follow The Leader

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Created by Luchabro ( Via Terajin )
anime Dragon Ball Z Video - 74703105

THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM - Transformation Anxiety

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Cheaters Never Prosper

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Created by GhostConvoy

Don't Mess With Lolis

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Created by Luchabro