My Little Brony

twilight sparkle

Yūgure-kun Discovers Friendship

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Via Riz Cifra

Ponies Are Humans Now??

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Via Kagome Sarrow

Ultimate Epic Showdown Across Dimensions!

king sombra dragon spike angel starswirl the bearded thorax applejack the great and powerful trixie flash magnus rockhoof sunburst discord somnambula princess cadence meadowbrook Sweetie Belle flurry heart starlight glimmer twilight sparkle pharynx apple bloom mistmane shining armor tirek chisana maho no yujo-ba garuzu zecora pinkie pie princess luna Big Macintosh rarity chrysalis granny smith daring do princess celestia maud pie fluttershy princess ember changelings Scootaloo rainbow dash - 9288260864
Via Animesoul

Chīsana Mahō no Yūjō-ba Gāruzu Dance-Along!

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Via Shepherd0821

Buenas Noches

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Via Smirk

Saturday Morning Cartoons

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Via dstears

Make-Up Hug

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Via dcon

MLB Discord Channel!

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Created by Prospirit


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Via Christine Choi

Aggressive Strategy

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Via Dilarus

Uh Oh

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Via Joy Ang


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Via Roman Razor

The Tables Have Turned

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Via Yinglong Fujun
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Twilight Re-Imagined (Speed Draw)

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Portrait Day

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Via Foxi-5


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Via Stew Art 501st