My Little Brony

twilight sparkle

Not Me!

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Via Glacierclear

The Thrilling Origin Story!

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Via TJ Pones


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Via cinnamonnnnn

I'm Working Hard, but Could I Be Working HARDER?

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Via Befish

Luna Does a Sick Prank

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Via Dilarus

The Worst Day

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Via dstears

Problem? Solve it with Magic

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Via dstears

Great Plan, Spike

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Via TJ Pones

Bright Idea

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Via Underpable

Feeding the Wildlife

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Via Fishimira

Disrespect Authority

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Via TJ Pones

Atroti 2600

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Via TJ Pones & threetwotwo32232


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Via Jargon Scott

Ponified 1776

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Via Derpibooru

Eyes on the Prize

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Via dstears

The Joys of Child Rearing

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Via dstears