My Little Brony

the great and powerful trixie

Trixie Do a Magic

the great and powerful trixie dusthiel - 9201796864
Via Dusthiel

Dress-Up Poker

the great and powerful trixie sunburst bob the dalek starlight glimmer - 9201393664
Via Bob the Dalek

Finally Made It to Space

the great and powerful trixie toys starlight glimmer artik - 9199877376
Via Artik

Trixie Will Make That FINGER Disappear!

a matter of principals the great and powerful trixie boop screencap - 9198792192
Via Derpibooru

I Knew It!

a matter of principals the great and powerful trixie starlight glimmer screencap triple threat comic - 9198602240
Via Derpibooru

Invisible Effort

a matter of principals the great and powerful trixie acid emerald spitfire maud pie - 9198603520
Via Acid Emerald

That'll Teach 'Em

the great and powerful trixie harwick - 9198383360
Via Harwick's Art

Very Relaxing

the great and powerful trixie harwick - 9196982784
Via Harwick's Art

The Crafty and Villainous Trixie

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Via Bob the Dalek

You Sure This Is Safe?

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Via dstears


firelight the great and powerful trixie bob the dalek starlight glimmer stellar flare - 9195853312
Via Bob the Dalek

The Pillow That Packs a Punch

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Via Bob the Dalek

Tall Order

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Via Uotapo

Pony at Heart

spike applejack the great and powerful trixie OC sugar belle Sweetie Belle starlight glimmer derpy hooves twilight sparkle apple bloom lyra heartstrings pinkie pie vinyl scratch rarity maud pie fluttershy fluffy xai bon bon Scootaloo octavia rainbow dash - 9189905920
Via Fluffy Xai

The Least Casual Bongos

the great and powerful trixie screencap animated to where and back again five nights at freddy's - 9189707776
Via Derpibooru

Villainous Types

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Via Hare Trinity