My Little Brony

the great and powerful trixie

Never Having Guests over Again

spike the great and powerful trixie twilight's seven twilight sparkle screencap all bottled up - 9297240064
Via Northern Haste

So Many Friends

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Via tsitra360

A Candidate from the Nation

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Via INowISeeI

Head of the Class

the great and powerful trixie starlight glimmer pony-berserker - 9292608000
Via Pony-Berserker

Relaxation Time

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Via Flutterthrash

Princess of Greatness

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Via Skitter

Ultimate Epic Showdown Across Dimensions!

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Via Animesoul

Chīsana Mahō no Yūjō-ba Gāruzu Dance-Along!

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Via Shepherd0821


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Via Pony Gaben


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Via Almond I

The Guide

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Via EMositeCC

Probably Not Official

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Via badumsquish

Great and Powerful

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Via Jelly Nut


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Via lolledits


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Via Davie Rocket

A Picture of a Box

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Via The Park