My Little Brony

the great and powerful trixie

christmas applejack the great and powerful trixie OC mlem animation Sweetie Belle starlight glimmer derpy hooves twilight sparkle apple bloom pmv shining armor twilight velvet pinkie pie dinky doo princess luna rarity night light princess celestia fluttershy Scootaloo rainbow dash anticular - 101010433

It's Beginning to Look A Lot Like Christmas

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Hanging Snack

christmas the great and powerful trixie starlight glimmer bennimarru - 9412797440
Created by Tineid ( Via Bennimarru )

First Eggnog

christmas the great and powerful trixie starlight glimmer 5mmumm5 - 9411407360
Created by Tineid ( Via 5mmumm5 )

New Sweater

shipping the great and powerful trixie starlight glimmer - 9410959104
Created by Tineid ( Via Burgeroise )

For U

christmas the great and powerful trixie - 9409812224
Created by Tineid ( Via Lou )

Gonna Do a Magic

the great and powerful trixie - 9402225408
Created by Tineid ( Via Buttersprinkles )


the great and powerful trixie - 9400479232
Created by Tineid ( Via Derpibooru )

A Slumber Party with All My [Former] Foes

dstears tempest shadow the great and powerful trixie starlight glimmer twilight sparkle cozy glow princess luna chrysalis sunset shimmer changelings - 9396771840
Created by Tineid ( Via dstears )

Space Heater

badumsquish the great and powerful trixie - 9396132352
Created by Tineid ( Via badumsquish )

Breaking News

the great and powerful trixie - 9395042560
Created by Tineid ( Via Marcus Maximus )

Only You Understand Me

shipping the great and powerful trixie pirill-poveniy - 9393424128
Created by Tineid ( Via Pirill-Poveniy )
queen the great and powerful trixie OC tj pones starlight glimmer twilight sparkle pinkie pie artik Memes JoJo's Bizarre Adventure brownie bun horse wife sunset shimmer the simpsons - 100483585

TJ Pones Tribute

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dragon spike starswirl the bearded applejack yaks the great and powerful trixie gabby grogar twilight's seven torque wrench frenemies uprooted petunia petals sugar belle cheese sandwich wind sprint flash magnus rockhoof season 9 sunburst discord silverstream snap shutter somnambula dragon dropped daring doubt doctor whooves The Last Crusade a horse shoe-in quibble pants between dark and dawn kerfuffle animation Sweetie Belle starlight glimmer twilight sparkle growing up is hard to do apple bloom mistmane griffon shining armor smolder ocellus tirek mage meadowbrook pinkie pie the beginning of the end going to seed barley barrel cozy glow matilda sandbar rainbow roadtrip a trivial pursuit the ending of the end princess luna doctor caballeron mudbriar Big Macintosh hippogriff rarity spoiled rich the point of no return the last laugh the big mac question chrysalis agrol granny smith mane allgood daring do princess celestia gallus she's all yak fluttershy student counsel yona common ground the summer sun setback changelings Scootaloo octavia she talks to angel rainbow dash - 100393985

Look Back: Season 9

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Heckin' Wow

the great and powerful trixie twilight sparkle parasprites vdru7 sunset shimmer - 9390154496
Via vdru7

G4.5 is Coming

the great and powerful trixie pony life flim flam the simpsons - 9389644800
Via BranewashPV

Waifu Weekly

tempest shadow the great and powerful trixie moon dancer lyra heartstrings senaelik - 9389646592
Via Senaelik