
Stars shine brightly, just like you! These luminous balls of gas are just scintillating and marvelous in the night sky, and even in picture. So if you want all the wholesome and funny puns and memes that can come from these astronomically-oriented bodies, look no further.

Fan Art mane 6 cute stars night - 8547542784

Starlight, Shine Bright

Fan Art princess luna stars - 8426977536

The Fault In Our Stars In Our Mane

cutie mark twilight sparkle stars - 8077168640

No Twilight

cutie mark twilight sparkle stars fluttershy - 8066516224

Twilight's Seeing Stars

cutie mark stars twilight sparkle - 8017369856

You're Not The Center Of Everything, Twi

twilight sparkle stars - 7945299968

For Your Stargazing Pony.

stars luna mane - 7832597248

Luna Donated Her Mane To The Poor