My Little Brony


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

Cloud Computing

dstears puns princess celestia rainbow dash - 9264081152
Via dstears


OC tj pones puns brownie bun horse wife - 9259836672
Via TJ Pones

I Like to Relax with a Good Book After Getting So Stuffed

Plushie twilight sparkle puns - 9258874368
Created by OFC_operator ( Via Epic Rainbow Crafts )

Princess Mi Amoray Cadenza

princess cadence shining armor puns - 9258918912
Via Blazie-Senpai

Kill Them with Kindness

puns warhammer 40k animated pizzamovies fluttershy - 9258162176
Via Pizzamovies

Report Card

applejack incorrect my little pony quotes apple bloom screencap puns comic - 9257671936
Via Incorrect My Little Pony Quotes

A Nice Cup of Cocoa

twilight sparkle puns - 9248942336
Via FoughtDragon01


puns chrysalis changelings - 9246673664
Via Kylami

Aren't They Great?

puns assasin monkey fluttershy - 9246105600
Via Assasin Monkey


applejack silverstream puns poecillia-gracilis19 hippogriff comic - 9243430656
Via poecillia-gracilis19

A Little Cup of Coco

puns coco pommel baron engel - 9240936704
Via Baron Engel

Fer Y'all City Slickers

art cubby applejack puns animated - 9238243840
Via Art Cubby

Villainy Starts Early

tempest shadow inuhoshi-to-darkpen puns grubber - 9234632960
Via InuHoshi-to-DarkPen

Princess Luna Moth

mothpony puns princess luna - 9230628608
Via Cloudy Glow

So Very Badly

puns pinkie pie artik sunset shimmer - 9229478144
Via Artik


OC ask pun shining armor puns wadusher0 - 9228464384
Via Ask Pun