My Little Brony


Don't do drugs. Just laugh at all the crazy things that can happen and the punny and trippy jokes they lead to. From a distance is best.

Confound These Ponies

drugs starlight glimmer twilight sparkle pinkie pie Memes sunset shimmer fluttershy derp rainbow dash - 9237790208
Via Derpibooru

Can't Get Enough

drugs tj pones pinkie pie rainbow dash - 9188704000
Via TJ Pones

Here’s What Your Eyes Look Like When You Take Different Drugs

the great and powerful trixie drugs screencap all bottled up ponify - 9029615872
Created by maorows

Drugs Are Canon?

drugs - 8601651200
Created by gotnothing

What Is This, Baltimore?

trouble shoes drugs - 8490311680
Created by pixarpal95

Drugs ARE Magic

drugs twilight sparkle pinkie pie magic - 8461036800
Created by DeathByCupcakes ( Via dimfann )

Applejack Ate The Wrong Kind of Apple

applejack drugs - 8248694528
Created by thatfandomlyfe

When The Drugs Kick In

drugs drugs magical magical rarity rarity - 7993201920
Created by Princess_Lunaporean

When The Drugs Kick In

drugs drugs magical magical rarity rarity - 7993201920
Created by Princess_Lunaporean

I Have No Idea What You're Talking About

cupcakes drugs gifs pinkie pie the internets - 6497090560
Created by Defender_of_5

I Can Stop Whenever I Want

addiction Chart drugs graphscharts my little pony - 5843041536
Created by Unknown

It's a Helluva Drug

Charlie Sheen drugs meme ponies - 5364816384
Created by sodenkamp

I Only Tried It Once, I Swear!

comic comics drugs rage comic - 5201573376

What Did You Say Was in those Cupcakes?

colors drugs high pinkie pie ponies rainbow - 5119446528
Created by Safety_Third
drugs high twilight sparkle Video wtf - 24291585

Dear Princess Celestia : Drugs Are Bad...

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