Game of Thrones

season 4

It Was Rough Either Way

Game of Thrones oberyn martell season 4 - 8208436224

Sansa Has Something to Say to the Haters

Game of Thrones gifs season 4 sansa stark - 8196215552
Via vegetariangal

Littlefinger STAHP

Game of Thrones season 4 sansa stark petyr baelish - 8192479488

Happy Purple Wedding, Everyone

Game of Thrones season 4 purple wedding joffrey baratheon - 8146512128

All He Wanted Was a Little Love

Game of Thrones finale season 4 tyrion lannister - 8223944704
Via sergioquijada

Get Your Tickets Now!

Game of Thrones oberyn martell season 4 The Mountain - 8199802624
Via melrook

She Broke Your Heart; I'll Break Hers

gifs Game of Thrones ygritte puns season 4 - 8218048000
Via Will_Power


Game of Thrones season 4 - 8233003264
Via frickindeadstarks

Nice to See Someone Has a Sense of Humor About It

Game of Thrones purple wedding joffrey baratheon season 4 jack gleeson - 8151950592
Via mannyhally

Season 4 Predictions

Fan Art season 4 - 8119348992
Via coiaf
Game of Thrones season 4 Video - 60925697

Having Trouble Keeping Up With All the New Stuff This Season?

View Video

Feeling a Bit Like a Beetle, Tyrion?

Game of Thrones season 4 tyrion lannister - 8208430080

Not Bad, New Guy

Game of Thrones gifs season 4 - 8157335040
Via cardio-god

Ellaria Scream

Game of Thrones season 4 - 8209361920
Created by Dule_fegetlija

Seriously, What Does Caster Think They Want With a Bunch of Inbreds?

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Via coiaf


the hound Game of Thrones season 4 - 8188421632
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