Game of Thrones

castle black

That Dragon Glass...

game of thrones memes season 5, me thinks that dragon glass will return.
Via game-of-thrones-fans

I Was Just Joking About that Wildling Truce, I Swear

Game of thrones memes season 5 Jon Snow rethinks his plan
Via rawrist

You're Better than Someone in This Castle, Gilly

game of thrones memes same says nice things to gilly.
Via game-of-thrones-fans

I Like That Positive Outlook You Got There

Game of thrones memes season 5 Jon Snow will make s'mores of them all
Via captainofalltheships

Stannis Is Also Fuhrer of the Grammar Nazis

Game of thrones memes season 5 Stannis is a grammar nazi
Via redheadedgnomegirl