
I'm not sure the video killed the radio guy, but it certainly makes for an entertaining topic of discussion, or even a musical classic. If you've ever wondered what would be the result if you just search for video, you won't be disappointed, but maybe try adding a second word to the phrase, you might find what you're looking for.

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Game of Throlls Is a Cartoon Parody of the Show That Really Sums Things Up

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This Fanmade Tribute to Jon Snow Will Give You so Many Goosebumps

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Key & Peele's Game of Thrones Recap

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Jimmy Fallon and the Cast of Game of Thrones are so Excited for the Premiere

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Here's Hoping Game of Thrones Never Gets a Laugh Track

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Emilia Clarke Can Sing "MMMBop" in Dothraki Because She's Amazing

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Are You Ready for the Season Finale?

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Reek's Got a Friend in Ramsay

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You've Gotta Give Emilia Clarke Mad Props for Acting Alongside...Whatever That Is Instead of Dragons

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Emilia Clarke Says "Bring on the Ladies" in Behind the Scenes Clip With Gemma Whelan

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Let Daenerys' Speech from Episode 3 Give You Chills All Over Again

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Incredible Game of Thrones Guitar Cover

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How Did Young GRRM Get Inspired?

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HBO Put Together a Tribute to Hodor With All of His Best Scenes

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Do the Dragons on Game of Thrones Halt the Progress of Westeros?

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Everyone Wins When the Game of Thrones Cast Plays Game of Butts