Geek Universe


Insensitive Ash

ash Pokémon anime misty - 8075916800

It's a Trap!

ash brock anime misty snickers - 8060464128

Different Types of Pokémon Masters

ash Pokémon ditto - 8053831168

Ash Wants to Be the Very Beta, Like No One Ever Was

ash Pokémon anime - 8033005824
Created by Guilherme.didi ( Via regirocknroll )

Ash's Ability is Oblivious

ash Pokémon pikachu - 8035289600
Created by FatherofGray

Screw You, Ash's Charizard

ash Pokémon charizard anime - 8038219520

This Doesn't Make Any Sense...

ash Pokémon gifs anime rapidash - 8040350464

It Will Never Happen

ash Pokémon pokemon league red - 8025330432

Ash, the Player, is Out

ash Pokémon - 8031640064
Created by Snowphie

Ash Deserves More

ash Pokémon web comics - 8025326080

Ash Watches All His Friends Around Him Grow Old

ash Pokémon - 8007252992
Created by YaoKASG

Is This How Ash Stays So Young?

ash pokemon xy - 7987096064
Created by TheGengar

Ash's Preferred Method of Finding Lost Items

ash anime - 7978585344
Created by tyuk90

One Big Pokémon Family

ash Pokémon Team Rocket art - 7969345792
Created by MaverickHunterX ( Via Sa-Dui )

Ash Only Has One Starter Pokémon?

ash Pokémon hoenn confirmed anime - 7965985536
Created by Monstradon

Friends Forever

ash anime brofist pikachu - 7951629056
Created by PikachuIsCute