Doctor Who


Puns are basically half-jokes that died somewhere along the way on their journey towards being funny, and that makes some people laugh.

The Most Peaceful Dalek

daleks puns - 8364295168
Via adam-lewis-media

Tom Baker Makes The Best Cat Puns

Via grotty_planet

Less Magician, More Minimalist

12th Doctor puns - 8324920832
Via doctorwhoblog

Dalek Archaeologists Ex-ca-vate, Ex-ca-vate

Via ToneCartoons

Doctor Who: Abaddon Road

the Beatles puns doctor who - 8568951040
Created by Philippa2

A Dozen Roses: The Punniest Valentine's Gift

rose tyler puns doctor who Valentines day - 8070424320
Via CptRobotFace

Sweet Tea, I'm Home. Honey?

11th Doctor doctor who puns tea - 7919392768
Created by PCWOverlord

Time Lord Pick Me Up

funny doctor who dalek coffee pot pun
Via The Doctor Who Hub

Literal Toilet Humor

puns - 8381662720

Christopher Lloyd Has Never Been More Terrifying

weeping angels puns - 8029345792
Created by darklordofthefluff ( Via )

Tom Baker Puns

classic who puns tom baker - 8067803648

Don't be Nervous; They Won't Remember a Thing

cosplay puns doctor who the silence - 7997559040

Even a Time Lord Needs a Cheat Day

puns doctor who - 8319147264
Via blaribus

Hopefully It's Bigger on The Inside

puns tardis - 8275123456
Via imdoctorwho

He Hasn't Aged a Day!

puns david bowie - 7840716288

We're Having Fun

the doctor puns time travel - 8408584448
Via DoctorWhoFanz_
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